I put the cameras on her and told her to be obnoxious as she could possibly could be. She was.
I have been a director who has starred, participated on both sides of the filmmaking process.
The pressures having grown up in this business can be really rough. And it is a testament to you that you have remained focused and NOT lost your mind.
We felt like we had done as much as you can do with the slasher genre. We were trying to find the next group of scary movies that were ripe for parody.
I go through a whole process with the actors first, building and creating characters, then I encourage them to sort of live in that character when they're in the screen.
We've seen so many films now, that you have to be on par with the best films that have preceded you. You just can't make any movie and it will be good
You just can't make any movie and it will be good now. This is a really a difficult time to be in films.