The problem is, is the White House and this administration have created a war against police officers in this country, with their allegations and false assertions that there's widespread and pervasive racism in the United States of America that lives in the heart and minds of the men and women in blue. This is a false narrative. It is dangerous. It is reckless. It has resulted in the loss of lives. They are not being held accountable.
Is [Obama] the worst president ever? He's certainly the most destructive president we've had in terms of tearing apart this country and all of the freedoms that we have fought for.
It's more of a strength model to say that [Vladimir] Putin will do what it takes to defend his country. But that's why Putin is dangerous and Russia is a major cause of concern for us .
You have to almost apologize for saying, please enforce the laws. The laws, that they're [government] receiving good federal dollars to be able to ensure for public safety, which is incumbent upon them to secure on the streets in every city and state across this country. And instead government allows individuals who are a risk, who are a threat, to come back in the country, routinely, regularly without any kind of checks and balances.
Look at the facts, look at the circumstances if you choose to have an open mind and understand and care deeply about the safety of children in this country in schools.Schools are a weak spot. Bad guys know that they are gun-free zones, because they prey on it. So why can't we be honest about what's going on and do something to help save kids, whether it's having teachers that are trained and carry weapons, dogs in the classrooms, like canines for cops?I think it's very good.
Not one of the investigations for civil rights violations that Eric Holder brought on behalf of the Department of Justice, resulted in any charges against any of these individuals, not one. I'm not saying investigations shouldn't be brought. But you must bring them responsibly and not create more panic, more fear, more anxiety across this country.
I want people to vote, I want them to pay attention. I want them to get up and go and vote and care about this country, inform themselves about the issues and I also want them to not vote for somebody just based on gender or race, based on qualification.
I got skin on the game. I want to serve my country.