A man's illness is his private territory and, no matter how much he loves you and how close you are, you stay an outsider. You are healthy.
I figure if I have my health, can pay the rent and I have my friends, I call it 'content.'
Naïveté, thy name is me.
When everything happens to you when you're so young, you're very lucky, but by the same token, you're never going to have that same feeling again. The first time anything happens to you - your first love, your first success - the second one is never the same.
You had to stay awake married to him [Humphrey Bogart]. Every time I thought I could relax and do everything I wanted, he'd buck. There was no way to predict his reactions, no matter how well I knew him. As he'd said before our wedding, he expected to be happily married and stay that way, but he never expected to settle down. He liked keeping people off balance. He was good for me -- I could never be quite sure what he would do.
You can't always be a leading lady.
I am not a wealthy woman. I wish to hell I was, but I never had a wealthy man.
As long as I can walk and talk, I'll try almost anything. I say "almost" because the high wire is definitely out.
He [Bogie] had tremendous character and a great sense of honor and would not tolerate lies, even if they asked him what he thought of a movie. We were once at a screening at somebody's house, I forget whose, and they ran a movie that he was in, that he never thought much of. Afterward, the producer asked what he thought of it, and Bogie said "I think it's a crock." And this producer was horrified! He was about to release the movie, and he said to Bogie "Why would you say that?!" Bogie shrugged and said "Then don't ask me." He never played the schmoozing game. He was not into that at all.
Generally women are better than men -- they have more character. I prefer men for some things, obviously, but women have a greater sense of honor and are more willing to take a chance with their lives.
I am essentially a loner.
God if the press ever quoted anyone correctly it would be brilliant.
The industry is s**t, it's the medium that's great.
No, I don't like legend. I mean, I don't like the category. And to begin with, to me, a legend is something that is not on the Earth, that is dead
When a woman reaches twenty-six in America, she's on the slide. It's downhill all the way from then on. It doesn't give you a tremendous feeling of confidence and well-being.
Men need to feel important. They feel better when they're with younger girls or unknown girls.
The biggest misconception people have about me is that I'm in control of every situation. I'm rarely in control of any situation.
If there was a pause in a conversation with anyone, you could always light a cigarette, or if a man lit a cigarette for you, you could look up. It's the most dramatic thing in the world because it's intimate, it's suggestive, and that's one of the problems with giving it up, is that it's a very useful tool.
They think actors are freaks - that we're a lot of drunks who party all the time and never work. Well, I for one work my tail off.
Acting is a life of rejection.
[Katharine Hepburn] was much stronger, much more opinionated than I am or ever was, and it was considered attractive on her. But not on me. I don't know. Maybe her Bryn Mawr accent was more appealing than mine.
My mother was the greatest example to me of anyone I've ever known. She didn't have an easy life. I adored her. She worked hard all her life, and she was the one who set my values. She was quite an amazing woman, although she wasn't tough at all.
The madmen seem to live on forever, don't they?
I used to tremble from nerves so badly that the only way I could hold my head steady was to lower my chin practically to my chest and look up at Bogie. That was the beginning of The Look.
I always thought I had crooked eyebrows and crooked teeth. That's why I never understood why people called me a beauty.