
Lewis Carroll Quotes - Page 8

There ought to be a book written about me, that there ought!

Lewis Carroll (1963). “Alice in Wonderland”, p.36, Collector's Library

Of all things, I do like a Conspiracy! It's so interesting!

Lewis Carroll (2015). “Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Other Tales”, p.233, Race Point Pub

The further off from England the nearer is to France- Then turn not pale, beloved snail, but come and join the dance.

The Brothers Grimm, Andrew Lang, Lewis Carroll, Антуан де Сент-Экзюпери, Шарль Перро (2016). “Fairy Story / Сказки Мира (ENGLISH EDITION + RUSSIAN EDITION): The Classic Fairy Tales And Folktales / Классика Всемирного Наследия”, p.85, Slavamax BVBA

Soup of the evening, beautiful Soup!

1865 Song of the Mock Turtle. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, ch.10.

Still, as Christmas-tide comes round, They remember it again - Echo still the joyful sound "Peace on earth, good-will to men!"

Lewis Carroll (2010). “Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass”, p.9, Cosimo, Inc.

You could not see a cloud, because No cloud was in the sky: No birds were flying overhead - There were no birds to fly.

Adrian Mitchell, Lewis Carroll (2001). “Alice in Wonderland, Through the Looking Glass”, p.69, Oberon Books

I have proved by actual trial that a letter, that takes an hour to write, takes only about 3 minutes to read!

Lewis Carroll, Roger Lancelyn Green (1989). “The Selected Letters of Lewis Carroll”, p.11, Springer

Consider anything, only don’t cry!

'Through the Looking-Glass' (1872) ch. 5