
Lily Allen Quotes - Page 3

All Quotes School Writing
I don't really see how any song can not feel contrived if it isn't honest, and how could I write honest songs if I don't write about stuff going on in my life and how I'm feeling?

I don't really see how any song can not feel contrived if it isn't honest, and how could I write honest songs if I don't write about stuff going on in my life and how I'm feeling?

"Lily Allen: 'I go through a major life change once a year'". Interview with Decca Aitkenhead, November 8, 2010.

The Mail Online is like carbs - you know you shouldn't but you do. Probably two or three times a day.

"Lily Allen: 'I'm called mouthy but I'm just talking'". Interview with Eva Wiseman, November 17, 2013.

Why is there even a conversation about feminism?

"Lily Allen Returns". ShortList Interview,

Staying in with you is better than sticking things up my nose.

"Song: As Long As I Got You (Album: Sheezus)". 2014.