
Lindsey Graham Quotes - Page 5

I think the worst thing in the world is to have the courts decide who to target in the war on terrorism. And courts are not military commanders.

"Sen. Lindsey Graham talks Hagel, Brennan nominations; Sen. Rand Paul on the Obama agenda, Republican policy". "Fox News Sunday" with Chris Wallace, February 17, 2013.

If Barack Obama cannot appreciate that our troops are winning in Iraq, he should not be their Commander in Chief.

"Special Coverage for the RNC". "Hardball with Chris Matthews", September 4, 2008.

I think the American people pretty well understand that radical Islam has an agenda that includes us.

"Sen. Lindsey Graham on fighting Islamic State, shoring up Social Security". June 4, 2015.

We have to adjust the age retirement for younger people. People of my income level are going to have to have their benefits means-tested. Democrats are going to want a simpler tax code.

"Sen. Graham on security of our nation's capital, 2016 plans; Sen. Sanders ready to challenge Hillary Clinton?". "Fox News Sunday" with Chris Wallace, April 19, 2015.