
Linus Torvalds Quotes about Economy

Artists usually don't make all that much money, and they often keep their artistic hobby despite the money rather than due to it.

Artists usually don't make all that much money, and they often keep their artistic hobby despite the money rather than due to it.

"FM Interviews: Interview with Linus Torvalds: What motivates software developers". Interview with Rishabh Aiyer Ghosh, October 3, 2005.

Programmers are in the enviable position of not only getting to do what they want to, but because the end result is so important they get paid to do it. There are other professions like that, but not that many.

"FM Interviews: Interview with Linus Torvalds: What motivates software developers". Interview with Rishabh Aiyer Ghosh, October 3, 2005.

I'm generally a very pragmatic person: that which works, works.

"Linux's Linus Torvalds Interview". Interview with Hiroo Yamagata, January 1, 2002.

I do get my pizzas paid for by Linux indirectly.

"FM Interviews: Interview with Linus Torvalds: What motivates software developers". Interview with Rishabh Aiyer Ghosh, October 3, 2005.

I very seldom worry about other systems. I concentrate pretty fully on just making Linux the best I can.

"The Pragmatist of Free Software". Interview with Hiroo Yamagata, September 30, 1997.

Linux has definitely made a lot of sense even in a purely materialistic sense.

"FM Interviews: Interview with Linus Torvalds: What motivates software developers". Interview with Rishabh Aiyer Ghosh, October 3, 2005.