
Louis Antoine de Saint-Just Quotes - Page 2

All Quotes Revolution Virtue
It is not enough, citizens, to have destroyed the factions, it is necessary now to repair the evil that they have done to the country.

It is not enough, citizens, to have destroyed the factions, it is necessary now to repair the evil that they have done to the country.

Speech to the National Convention on April 15, 1794. "Oeuvres Complètes de Saint-Just", Volume 2, p. 367, 1908.

It is time that we labored for the happiness of the people. Legislators who are to bring light and order into the world must pursue their course with inexorable tread, fearless and unswerving as the sun.

Louis Antoine de Saint-Just's speech to the National Convention (December 27, 1792), as quoted in "Oeuvres Completes de Saint-Just", Volume 1, edited by Charles Vellay (p. 383), 1908.

You who make the laws, the vices and the virtues of the people will be your work.

Louis Antoine de Saint-Just's remarks on autumn 1792, as quoted in "Oeuvres Completes de Saint-Just", Volume 1, edited by Charles Vellay (p. 380), 1908.

Happiness is a new idea in Europe.

"Sur le mode d'exécution du décret contre les ennemis de la Révolution". Speech to the National Convention, March 03, 1794.