
Louis Pasteur Quotes about Science

Science knows no country, because knowledge belongs to humanity, and is the torch which illuminates the world.

Science knows no country, because knowledge belongs to humanity, and is the torch which illuminates the world.

1876 Toast at the banquet of the International Congress of Sericulture (translated by Rene Dubois).

You bring me the deepest joy that can be felt by a man whose invincible belief is that Science and Peace will triumph over Ignorance and War, that nations will unite, not to destroy, but to build, and that the future will belong to those who will have done most for suffering humanity.

Speech at celebration honoring his seventieth birthday, the Sorbonne, Paris, France (December 27, 1892); "The life of Pasteur" by René Vallery-Radot, translated by Mrs. R. L. Devonshire, Vol. 2, (p. 297), 1902.

Live in the serene peace of laboratories and libraries

"The Life of Pasteur". Book by René Vallery-Radot, translated by R .L. Devonshire. Volume 2, p. 228, 1902.

There are no such things as applied sciences, only applications of science.

Address, 11 September 1872, in 'Comptes rendus des travaux du Congrés viticole et sèricicole de Lyon, 9-14 septembre 1872' p. 49