Each day is a new opportunity. Yesterday is over and done. Today is the first day of my future.
What a lot of people don't understand is that when you change your thinking, when you accept different concepts, then life mirrors those for you. If you can get the concept that you're worthy and loveable and that you deserve to have a better life, life starts bringing those opportunities to you, because that's your belief system.
If we choose to believe that we're responsible for our experiences, the good and the so-called bad, then we have the opportunity to outgrow the effects of the past. We can change. We can be free.
Each day is a new opportunity. I chose to make this day a great one.
Challenges are opportunities for me to grow. The more I learn, the more equipped I am to handle whatever situations come up.
If we can use our problems and illnesses as opportunities to think about how we can change our lives, we have power.