Some say the word 'pop' is a derogatory word to say 'not important' - I do not accept that. If the word 'classic' is the word to say 'boring,' I do not accept. There is good and bad music.
If your body is not in shape to sing [from the diaphragm] you will push and push but keep falling back on your throat to make the sound. This will ruin your voice.
Opera is one of the most important art forms. It should be listened to and appreciated by everyone.
In opera, as with any performing art, to be in great demand and to command high fees you must be good of course, but you must also be famous. The two are different things.
I want to reach as many people as possible with the message of music, of wonderful opera.
People have a right to criticize.
It is a very honest world, our work. I think you cannot fake anything.
The music itself could never take the place of my own passion in life.
On the day I'm performing, I don't hear anything anyone says to me.
If I go three days without vocalizing, the voice is gone.
I think an important quality that I have is that if you turn on the radio and hear somebody sing, you know it's me. You don't confuse my voice with another voice.
I am a very superstitious person.
It is not always a matter of wild ovations and legendary performances. Sometimes you are just happy to get through an opera without trouble.
I am open to everything.
I remember quite well that 10,000 audience sang with us three on the spot, and ever since then, I always thought the Chinese audience are the greatest audience.
For all three of us, the Caracalla concert was a major event in our lives. I hope I am not immodest to think it was also unforgettable for most of the people who were present.
I want to be famous everywhere.
Why should be elite, music? Excuse me. Music must be for everybody.
Above all, I am an opera singer. This is how people will remember me.
There is no prodigy in our profession. If you see all the great singer of the past, none of them are.
Sometime to be called Pavarotti is not always an advantage.
I am a tenor buff. I hear myself.
I received a beautiful welcome to the world of music. I want to give something back to the younger generation.
Children should be given the chance to play instruments, to sing.
I was an elementary school teacher.