
Lupita Nyongo Quotes - Page 2

It doesn't escape me for one moment that so much joy in my life is thanks to so much pain in someone else's.

It doesn't escape me for one moment that so much joy in my life is thanks to so much pain in someone else's.

"After Very Visible Roles, Lupita Nyong'o Looks To Disappear Into Character". Interview with Neda Ulaby, April 23, 2016.

You can’t eat beauty. It doesn’t feed you.

"Biography/ Personal Quotes".

And my one prayer to God, the miracle worker, was that I would wake up lighter-skinned.

Lupita Nyong'o Acceptance Speech for Best Breakthrough Performance, February 27, 2014.

Happiness is the most important thing.

"Lupita Nyong'o Named People's Most Beautiful". Article by Aly Weisman, April 23, 2014.