Passion--it's the driving force that you just can't ignore. It's what will make your new adventure seem more like fun, than work. It's the difference between wanting to start a business and craving it.
A service culture doesn't happen by accident. The company is always a reflection of the person at the helm. Their attitude, their values, and their commitment to service excellence will drive the actions of others in the organization. Always has...always will.
An individual's yearning to reach outside his life is a seed of greatness waiting for a stream of inspiration. Carving that stream to people's hearts is a simpler task if the endeavor you are leading them into is attached to a bigger story.
Your dreams are the blueprints of your soul. They should take you by the hand and lead you toward your life's purpose and passion. They are one of, if not the greatest, source of self-motivation that you have. So nurture them and feed them inspiration whenever you can.
From the moment we wake up each morning to the time we hit the pillow at night, we hear what people have to say, but are we really listening?
We all seek purpose in life. Most of us wonder how we can make a positive difference during our brief time on earth. But asking and doing are different things.
Belief fuels passion, and passion rarely fails.
I've come to realize that the difference in success or failure is not how you look, how you dress, or how you're educated. It's how you think !