Mahatma Gandhi Quotes about Sacrifice

Sacrifice that causes pain is no sacrifice at all. True sacrifice is joy-giving and uplifting.
Mahatma Gandhi (1958). “Collected Works”
The State is the sum total of the sacrifice, on its behalf, of its members.
Mahatma Gandhi (1967). “Collected Works”
Mahatma Gandhi (1980). “All Men are Brothers: Autobiographical Reflections”, p.148, A&C Black
Mahatma Gandhi, Mohandas Gandhi, Homer A. Jack (2005). “The Wit and Wisdom of Gandhi”, p.90, Courier Corporation
I have worshipped woman as the living embodiment of the spirit of service and sacrifice.
Mahatma Gandhi (1965). “Glorious Thoughts of Gandhi: Being a Treasury of about Ten Thousand Valuable and Inspiring Thougths of Mahatma Gandhi, Classified Under Four Hundred Subjects”
Mahatma Gandhi, Mohandas Gandhi, Homer A. Jack (2005). “The Wit and Wisdom of Gandhi”, p.90, Courier Corporation
Gentleness, self-sacrifice and generosity are the exclusive possession of no one race or religion.
Mahatma Gandhi (1965). “Glorious Thoughts of Gandhi: Being a Treasury of about Ten Thousand Valuable and Inspiring Thougths of Mahatma Gandhi, Classified Under Four Hundred Subjects”
Mahatma Gandhi (1965). “Glorious Thoughts of Gandhi: Being a Treasury of about Ten Thousand Valuable and Inspiring Thougths of Mahatma Gandhi, Classified Under Four Hundred Subjects”
Mahatma Gandhi (1979). “Collected Works”
Mahatma Gandhi (1965). “Gandhiji Expects: What the Father of the Nation Expected of People's Representatives”
Mahatma Gandhi (2010). “Hind Swaraj”, p.41, Rajpal & Sons
Mahatma Gandhi (1984). “The Quintessence of Gandhi in His Own Words”
For me the present is merged in eternity. I may not sacrifice the latter for the present.
Mahatma Gandhi (1958). “Collected Works”
Mahatma Gandhi (1969). “Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi”
Non-co-operation means nothing less than training in self-sacrifice.
Mohandas Karmchand Gandhi, Mahatma Gandhi, V. Geetha (2004). “Soul Force: Gandhi's Writings on Peace”, p.161, Tara Publishing
In the Gita continuous concentration on God is the king of sacrifices.
Mahatma Gandhi, Mohandas Gandhi, Ronald Duncan (2005). “Gandhi: Selected Writings”, p.40, Courier Corporation
Mahatma Gandhi (1988). “Gandhi on Women: Collection of Mahatma Gandhi's Writings and Speeches on Women”