I place the blame with our own leaders who are not defending our interests. A strong euro is ruining our economy.
Everyone has the right to practice their religion, to worship as they choose. My war is against Islamic fundamentalism.
Germany has become the economic heart of Europe because our leaders are weak.
It is undeniable that the French were in a better situation in 1960s then than they are today in 2017. I don't look in the rearview mirror. But there was no need for us to experience an end to social progress since then.
We are simply allowing our right to self-determination to be stolen from us.
Angela Merkel can't travel to any European country without being protected by hundreds of police. That is not brotherhood.
We want to represent all the French people with ideas that are neither left nor right: patriotism, defense of the identity and sovereignty of the people. If a person like me is described as being extreme-left and extreme-right at the same time, then that isn't far off the mark.
If I didn't believe that we had a chance of coming to power, then I would have focused on taking care of my three children or gardening.
I think a lot of people are trying to scare immigrants. But in reality, they have nothing to fear. You know, people who behave need not worry. Foreigners in France who hold a job, who respect our laws, our codes, have absolutely nothing to worry about.
I know very well that the political classes have spread fear among the electorate: Without the euro, the sun will cease shining, the rivers will stop flowing, we will enter an ice age.
I have a certain admiration for Vladimir Putin because he doesn't allow decisions to be forced upon him by other countries. I think he focuses first and foremost on what is good for Russia and the Russians. As such, I have the same respect for Putin that I do for Ms. Merkel.
People want their own laws to take precedence over those of the European Union. The French have understood that the EU does not live up to the utopia they were sold. It has distanced itself significantly from a democratic mode of operation.
My warning is: Be careful Angela Merkel. If you don't see the suffering that has been imposed on the rest of the European people, then Germany will make itself hated.
I'm not talking about autarky. I'm not crazy. We need an intelligent protectionism.
Germany has become the economic heart of Europe because our leaders are weak. But Germany should never forget that France is Europe's political heart. What is happening here today foreshadows what will happen in the rest of Europe in the coming years: the great return of the nation-state, which they wanted to obliterate.
It is my responsibility to make sure that the fear is overcome… “This attack must instead free our speech about Islamic fundamentalism. We must not be silenced.
I'll tell you what the danger is for Europe. It's carrying out a cold war against Russia and pushing Russia into China's arms. That's the threat to Europe.
The French debt will remain massive. Savings should be made with cuts to the generous social system, which grants illegal immigrants the same protections as it does our citizens.
If we don't all leave the euro behind, it will explode. Either there will be a popular revolt because the people no longer want to be bled out. Or the Germans will say: Stop, we can't pay for the poor anymore.
Angela Merkel wants to impose her policies on others. This will lead to an explosion of the European Union.
I have respect for leaders who defend the interests of their countries. Angela Merkel policies are positive for Germany, but they are unfortunately harmful for all other countries.
Euro was created by Germany, for Germany.
Everybody should be able to choose according to his own values and history, within a European civilization that we all belong to.
We used to be one of the richest countries in the world, but we are now on a path towards under-development. This austerity that has been imposed on the people doesn't work. The people will not allow themselves to be throttled without revolting.
I'm not a fan in a rock concert, you see. I am a political leader in a great nation of the world. What interests me are France's interests.