These days we don’t have to fit into something other people think we are. We’ve leveled the playing field, life is inclusive. I’m a mom, sex detective, wife, fearless, gentle — we can now, with grace, be all of what we are.
~Before you have kids, when you're on a plane and there's a screaming kid, all you can think is, Give me earplugs! As soon as I became a mom, though, I got it. You find yourself asking, 'What can I do? You want me to hold him?' Because you think about the time your kids was screaming, and there was the one parent who looked at you and smiled. And that compassion was everything.~
I want to be a fun mom. Not a gasping for air mom.
I wasn't at all trying to be skinny, My Mom is Jayne Mansfield, I'm allowed to have curves.
I think because I became a mom later in life, everything in life means more.