
Mark Hart Quotes - Page 3

It's funny how the closer you get to God, the more you realize how far you are from Him.

It's funny how the closer you get to God, the more you realize how far you are from Him.

Mark Hart (2013). “Tweet Inspiration: Faith in 140 Characters (or Less)”, p.17, Franciscan Media

Gray and overcast from my earthly perspective, but it's sunny above these storm clouds. Grace lets us see life from God's point of view.

Mark Hart (2013). “Tweet Inspiration: Faith in 140 Characters (or Less)”, p.38, Franciscan Media

It's one of the greatest comforts of working in ministry: the unspoken certitude that your spouse did not marry you for your money.

Mark Hart (2013). “Tweet Inspiration: Faith in 140 Characters (or Less)”, p.11, Franciscan Media

Rules for today: 1) Pray 2) Laugh 3) Repeat. The only reason to take this life too seriously is if it's your only one.

Mark Hart (2013). “Tweet Inspiration: Faith in 140 Characters (or Less)”, p.24, Franciscan Media

If true love were only about feelings, Jesus would have been hugged to death for our redemption. Thank God for His cross this and every day.

Mark Hart (2013). “Tweet Inspiration: Faith in 140 Characters (or Less)”, p.24, Franciscan Media

Sunday doesn't just prepare us for the week ahead - it prepares us for eternity.

Mark Hart (2014). “Behold The Mystery: A Deeper Understanding of the Catholic Mass”, p.15, The Word Among Us Press

It is so beautifully ironic that St. Francis - the great lover of animals - is now a pigeon's target in countless yards.

Mark Hart (2013). “Tweet Inspiration: Faith in 140 Characters (or Less)”, p.15, Franciscan Media

When a majority of my prayers are for others to change, I've gotten off track. Lord, change this sinner's heart.

Mark Hart (2013). “Tweet Inspiration: Faith in 140 Characters (or Less)”, p.38, Franciscan Media

We must not become so preoccupied looking for "major" miracles that we miss all the daily ones.

Mark Hart (2013). “Tweet Inspiration: Faith in 140 Characters (or Less)”, p.14, Franciscan Media

When it's hardest to pray are usually the times I need to pray the hardest. Not sure if that's irony or common sense.

Mark Hart (2013). “Tweet Inspiration: Faith in 140 Characters (or Less)”, p.37, Franciscan Media

If your sin feels "too big," your vision of God is too small.

Mark Hart (2013). “Tweet Inspiration: Faith in 140 Characters (or Less)”, p.36, Franciscan Media

Married couples, may we never forget that when attacks come the grace of the sacrament is eternally stronger than we are.

Mark Hart (2013). “Tweet Inspiration: Faith in 140 Characters (or Less)”, p.14, Franciscan Media

If you want to live as a Christian, get comfortable with being uncomfortable.

Mark Hart (2013). “Tweet Inspiration: Faith in 140 Characters (or Less)”, p.6, Franciscan Media

A homeless man standing at the off-ramp: the question in these moments isn't whether Jesus is in Him, but in me.

Mark Hart (2013). “Tweet Inspiration: Faith in 140 Characters (or Less)”, p.37, Franciscan Media

Never complain about growing old... Some never have the privilege.

Mark Hart (2013). “Tweet Inspiration: Faith in 140 Characters (or Less)”, p.19, Franciscan Media

Friday and Saturday nights have a funny way of revealing what we really believe on Sunday mornings.

Mark Hart (2013). “Tweet Inspiration: Faith in 140 Characters (or Less)”, p.24, Franciscan Media