“Et Tu, Babe” was born out of my absolute certainty that a writer’s life was solitary and insular, and I was happy with that. I love reading and writing, it’s my whole life.
Actually what's worse than a dog's mouth is a cat's mouth. They're not dirtier per se, but they have sharper teeth, so they are much more likely to go deep, should they bite you.
I always thought of my work as being animated by a spirit of unhinged generosity.
I'm in that very preliminary stage of wondering how exactly to "pressurize" the novel in some way I've never considered before.
My idea with my work is always to fashion something that's impossible to transpose into any other media.
I've always been entranced with theater.
My work generally tends to be an all-out, 360-degree subversive take on everything, most of all my own notion of myself as a son, father, husband, human being and male in this culture.
I'm fascinated with video games, though I can't really play them. It's definitely an art form that intrigues me to no end, though.
My relationship with my readers is somewhat theatrical. One of the main things I try to do in my work is delight my readers.
As far as what I do, my value as a writer is certainly not to try to recapitulate a 19th century form. Certain styles of narrative don't conform to my style of experiencing the world.