
Martin Farquhar Tupper Quotes about Wealth

Wealth hath never given happiness, but often hastened misery.

Wealth hath never given happiness, but often hastened misery.

Martin Farquhar Tupper (1857). “Complete poetical works: containing: Proverbial philosophy, A thousand lines, Hactenus, Geraldine, and miscellaneous poems. With a portrait of the author”, p.85

There is a limit to enjoyment, though the sources of wealth be boundlessAnd the choicest pleasures of life lie within the ring of moderation.

Martin Farquhar Tupper (1857). “Complete poetical works: containing: Proverbial philosophy, A thousand lines, Hactenus, Geraldine, and miscellaneous poems. With a portrait of the author”, p.20

Many a beggar at the crossway, or gray-haired shepherd on the plain, hath more of the end of all wealth than hundreds who multiply the means.

Martin Farquhar Tupper (1855). “Proverbial Philosophy: A Book of Thoughts and Arguments, Originally Treated : First and Second Series, Complete in One Volume”, p.16

Wealth oft-times killeth, where want but hindered the budding.

Martin Farquhar Tupper (1856). “Tupper's complete poetical works: containing "Proverbial philosophy," "A thousand lines," "Hactenus," "Geraldine," and "Miscellaneous poems :" With a portrait of the author”, p.82