
Mary Karr Quotes - Page 3

I think we fall in love and become adults and become citizens in a way by writing stories about ourselves.

"Mary Karr Interview: “Lit” Part II". Interview with Steve Ross, March 18, 2010.

The emotional stakes a memoirist bets with could not be higher, and it's physically enervating. I nap on a daily basis like a cross-country trucker.

"Mary Karr, The Art of Memoir No. 1". Interview with Amanda Fortini, The Paris Review, Issue 191, Winter 2009.

I've never contended that I had a really horrible life.

"Religion and Ethics Newsweekly", April 30, 2010.

I do have a really good memory. I mean, like, I can remember all the phone numbers of everybody on the street I grew up on.

"Exactly as she remembers it". Interview with Gaby Wood, June 23, 2001.

Nobody sounds good writing about your divorce, let's face it.

"Mary Karr Speaks To HuffPost Books About Her New Memoir 'Lit'" by Steve Ross, March 18, 2010.