Always assume that a lucky hit will not be repeated.
The sheen of ocean gleams on the blue fish-plate.
The philosophy of hedonism means little to lovers of pleasure. They have no inclination to read philosophy, or to write it.
Couples who come to understand one another often part.
Cynicism often draws correct conclusions, but nobody could live by its lights.
Authority is conferred by position, not character.
As I criss-cross the city hurrying, I feel always the unchanging cold beneath the pavement.
To win hearts, smile kindly on people's weaknesses.
Many have never felt strong, but everyone knows what it is to feel weak.
Helplessness is a mighty power.
I deplore my shortcomings, but plan to keep them.
Leisure unmasks our weaknesses.
Lies and promises are necessary but not sufficient.
Many who take up burdens come to resent being put upon.
The sun cares nothing for illumination.
The novelty we want is always close to the familiar.
Good manners protect the privileged, but leave the unprivileged more vulnerable.
Something is sticking out its tongue at me from the corner of my mirror.
Vulgarity is innocent; urbanity is not.
Holding unconventional opinions makes people feel they have strong characters.
I change my opinions often, but not my way of thinking.
Intellectuals have opinions on subjects they just heard about five minutes ago.
Methodology gives those with no ideas something to do.
Getting ready: the show girl scratches her breast and shakes out her feathers.
When I get the point, I often don't know what to do with it.