
Michael Fassbender Quotes about Character

Trying to identify and understand, as opposed to judging, is very important for me, in approaching characters.

Trying to identify and understand, as opposed to judging, is very important for me, in approaching characters.

"Michael Fassbender Talks A DANGEROUS METHOD, ROBOCOP, and AT SWIM-TWO BIRDS". Interview with Christina Radish, November 25, 2011.

Sometimes if I stick in a character too much I feel like I might start to get blinkered, because I'm making my decisions too definite.

"Michael Fassbender Talks PROMETHEUS, Ridley Scott, Viral Advertising, TWELVE YEARS A SLAVE, Possible PROMETHEUS Sequels, More". Interview with Steve 'Frosty' Weintraub, May 31, 2012.

The actors I looked up to when I was a teenager, they all just disappeared into different characters.

"Alicia Vikander, Michael Fassbender on their relationship, onscreen and off". Interview with Joe McGovern, August 26, 2016.