Every story starts with an idea, but it is the characters that move this idea forward.
I never base characters on real people - you can get into so much trouble that way!
They [my characters]speak to me all the time! In fact some of them never shut up!
I am thrilled when I read about fans using my stories as springboards to read about either the historical characters or the myths and legends in the books.
Most writers, I'm afraid, live very boring lives sitting in front of a screen. However, having said that: every writer puts a bit of themselves into the characters to bring them alive.
I am of the generation of writers who can get instant feedback from readers within hours of publication. The fan forum is extraordinary - readers from all over the world coming together to discuss, argue and debate scenes and characters from a novel. They add a layer to the story that I cannot write and yes, I will participate in that conversation and answer questions. After all, they are the people I'm writing for and their enthusiasm and questions really pushes me to raise the bar.