Mustafa Kemal Ataturk Quotes - Page 2
"Ataturk : An Intellectual Biography" by M. Şükrü Hanioğlu, (p. 38), 2011.
"Turkey Today" by Grace Ellison, London: Hutchinson, 1928.
"Atatürk: The Biography of the founder of Modern Turkey". Book by Andrew Mango, 2002.
"Modernism and Nation-Building: Turkish Architectural Culture in the Early Republic" by Sibel Bozdoğan, (p. 126), 2001.
"Atatürk'ten Düşünceler" by E. Z. Karal, (p. 59), 1969.
"Studies in Battle Command" by Combat Studies Institute, US Army Command and General Staff College, (p. 89), 1995.
Interview in "The Los Angeles Examiner", August 1, 1926.
"Atatürk" by Uluğ İğdemir, (p. 200), 1963.
Religion is an important institution. A nation without religion cannot survive.
"Kemalizm, Laiklik ve Demokrasi". Book by Ahmet Taner Kışlalı, 1994.