
Nancy Leigh DeMoss Quotes - Page 2

The ultimate purpose of marriage is not to make us happy but to glorify God.

The ultimate purpose of marriage is not to make us happy but to glorify God.

Nancy Leigh DeMoss (2007). “Lies Women Believe/Companion Guide for Lies Women Believe- 2 book set”, p.92, Moody Publishers

Gratitude is a lifestyle. A hard-fought, grace-infused, biblical lifestyle.

Nancy Leigh DeMoss (2009). “Choosing Gratitude: Your Journey to Joy”, p.29, Moody Publishers

Jesus has revealed Himself in the Scripture. If we want to know Him, if we want to know the Truth, we must devote ourselves to the reading, study, and meditation of His Word

Nancy Leigh DeMoss (2007). “Lies Women Believe/Companion Guide for Lies Women Believe- 2 book set”, p.162, Moody Publishers

Proud people keep others at arm's length. Broken people are willing to take the risks of getting close to others and loving intimately.

Nancy Leigh DeMoss (2008). “Brokenness, Surrender, Holiness: A Revive Our Hearts Trilogy”, p.67, Moody Publishers

Those who say in simple surrender 'Yes, Lord,' emerge from the experience spiritually rich, and become a source of grace and encouragement to others who are hurting.

Nancy Leigh DeMoss (2009). “A Place of Quiet Rest: Finding Intimacy with God Through a Daily Devotional Life”, p.71, Moody Publishers

God's Will is what we would choose if we knew what God knows.

Nancy Leigh DeMoss (2007). “Lies Women Believe/Companion Guide for Lies Women Believe- 2 book set”, p.165, Moody Publishers

The Christian life is not about all the things we do for God--it's about being loved by Him, loving Him in return, and walking in intimate union and communion with Him.

Nancy Leigh DeMoss (2009). “A Place of Quiet Rest: Finding Intimacy with God Through a Daily Devotional Life”, p.43, Moody Publishers

Revival is not just an emotional touch; it's a complete takeover!

Nancy Leigh DeMoss, Tim Grissom (2009). “Seeking Him: Experiencing the Joy of Personal Revival”, p.18, Moody Publishers

Brokenness is the shattering of my self-will - the absolute surrender of my will to the will of God.

Nancy Leigh DeMoss (2008). “Brokenness, Surrender, Holiness: A Revive Our Hearts Trilogy”, p.44, Moody Publishers

Mark it down—your progress in holiness will never exceed your relationship with the holy Word of God.

Nancy Leigh DeMoss (2012). “The Quiet Place: Daily Devotional Readings”, p.192, Moody Publishers