Knowing the truth has meaning only as a first step to living the truth day by day.
Urban areas tend to attract members of the 'knowledge class' - people who work with ideas, data, information
Because a human is a someone and not a something, the source of human life must also be a Someone - not the blind, automatic forces of nature, as philosophies like naturalism and materialism tell us.
Because humans are capable of choosing, the first cause that created them must have a will.
You don't have to be a Christian to recognize that materialism does not match reality. Materialism is not true to universal human experience - what we all know about ourselves.
No one lives like a robot. We all make choices from the moment we wake up in the morning.
The most consistent versions of materialism deny the reality of anything beyond matter - no soul, no spirit, no will, no mind. This is called reductionism: Humans are reduced to biochemical machines.
The Rosetta Stone of Christian social thought is the Trinity.
The only way to drive out bad culture is with good culture