Don't you have a machine that puts food into the mouth and pushes it down?
the construction of a communist society would be completed 'in the main' by 1980
Revolutions are not made for export.
In a fight you don't stop to choose your cudgels.
If Adenauer were here with us in the sauna, we could see for ourselves that Germany is and will remain divided but also that Germany never will rise again.
He who cannot eat horsemeat need not do so. Let him eat pork. But he who cannot eat pork, let him eat horsemeat. It's simply a question of taste.
What innocence, may I ask, is being played here when it is known that this virtuous damsel has already got a dozen illegitimate children?
They talk about who won and who lost. Human reason won. Mankind won.
He was a crystal of morality among our scientists.