Don't be an art critic. Paint. There lies salvation.
One can do good things without being very much of a harmonist or a colourist. It is sufficient to have a sense of art - and this sense is doubtless the horror of the bourgeois.
Talks on art are almost useless. The work which goes to bring progress in one's own subject is sufficient compensation for the incomprehension of imbeciles.
The strong experience of nature... is the necessary basis for all conception of art on which rests the grandeur and beauty of all future work.
Drawing and color are not separate at all; in so far as you paint, you draw. The more color harmonizes, the more exact the drawing becomes. When the color achieves richness, the form attains its fullness also
Is art really the priesthood that demands the pure in heart who belong to it wholly?
My age and health will never allow me to realize the dream of art I've been pursuing all my life.
I have nothing to hide in art. The initial force alone can bring anyone to the end he must attain.