Love is a trap. When it appears, we see only its light, not its shadows.
Each human being has been granted a virtue: the capacity to choose. For he who does not use this virtue, it becomes a curse - and others will always choose for him.
Certain things are so important that they need to be discovered alone.
Love will never separate a man from his personal legend.
Enthusiasm is the force that leads us to the final victory.
We still did not answer the questions that are important to us
A Warrior trusts other people because, first and foremost, he trusts himself.
The only thing tragedy gives us is the opportunity to rebuild our life.
Sorrows do not last forever when we are journeying towards the thing we have always wanted.
Open your heart and listen to what it is telling you. Follow your dreams, because only a man who is unashamed of himself can manifest the glory of God.
Love cannot exist in peace, it will always come accompanied by agonies, ecstasies, intense joys and profound sadnesses.
The moment we set off in search of love, it sets off in search of us. And saves us.
If you pay close attention to each day, you will discover the magic moment.
The landscape changes, so enjoy it: of course, you have to have an objective in mind - to reach the top. But as you are going up, more things can be seen, and it's no bother to stop now and again and enjoy the panorama around you. At every meter conquered, you can see a little further, so use this to discover things that you still had not noticed.
He knows his own faults, but also knows his qualities.
Be happy when you reach the top: cry, clap your hands, shout to the four winds that you did it, let the wind - the wind is always blowing up there - purify your mind, refresh your tired and sweaty feet, open your eyes, clean the dust from your heart. It feels so good, what was just a dream before, a distant vision, is now part of your life, you did it!
Walk firmly and with joy, without being afraid of stumbling. All your movements are being watched by your allies that will help you when necessary.
Loneliness is the worst of all tortures, the worst of all sufferings.
Our selfishness will condemn us to the worst suffering that we ourselves have invented - loneliness.
He carefully studies the position that he intends to conquer.
A Warrior of the Light shares with others what he knows of the path.
People make a lot of effort not to remember, not to accept their immense magical potential.
All the world needs are examples of people capable of living out their dreams and fighting for their ideas.
We are all masters of our own destinies.
A warrior of the Light does not rely on strength alone; he makes use of his opponent's energy, too.