Neither marriage's heart nor adventure are found in the banner days, those events we record and look back on. The glory is the ordinary.
As Christians continue to be vilified let us continue to rejoice and be exceedingly glad. It means we are salt, light and with Him.
Is it possible that we never feel grown-up because, as our capabilities increased with age, so increased our responsibilities?
We do not fear the loss of God's favor, for either we have it not. We cannot lose it. What we fear is the loss of our idols.
Because He freely owned my guilt I may freely own my sin. Guilty as charged, and yet, not guilty at all.
Creeds are definitions of what it means to be a Christian. They are fences that, albeit imperfectly, seek to separate sheep from goats.
Nostalgia is the aching realization that you can't go back again. The longing, no matter how intense, can never be met.
God's own foolishness is stronger than men. Do we believe that?
More evangelicals today will visit abortion mills as clients than as ambassadors of Jesus Christ.
Now that Hillary Clinton is officially running for President I am officially not going to vote for her. It's official.