Success requires both urgency and patience. Be urgent about making the effort, and patient about seeing the results.
Accomplishment comes from making positive efforts, even in the face of negative circumstances.
In every kind of endeavor, there are ample opportunities for extra effort. Grab those opportunities, embrace that extra effort and transform ordinary mediocrity into bright and shining excellence.
So go ahead and face that fear, make that effort, move forward into new territory and fully live the grand possibilities with which you're blessed. Boldly face life, and you'll find it to be better than you ever imagined.
When you've done all you can, do just a little bit more. Any extra effort you make will draw immense leverage from all the ordinary efforts which have preceded it. That can be powerful and effective.
Almost everyone does just enough to get by. Those who achieve spectacular success also do enough to get by; then they add a little bit of extra effort. That little bit of extra effort makes an enormous difference.