Randall Jarrell Quotes about Writing

"The Third Book of Criticism". Book by Randall Jarrell, "Fifty Years of American Poetry", pp. 332 - 333, 1969.
"Poetry and the Age". Book by Randall Jarrell. Chapter: "A Verse Chronicle", p. 149, 1953.
whether they write poems or don't write poems, poets are best.
"Kipling, Auden & Co: Essays and Reviews 1935-1964". Book by Randall Jarrell, "Recent Poetry" (p. 227), 1980.
"Kipling, Auden & Co: Essays and Reviews 1935-1964". Book by Randall Jarrell, "Poets: Old, New, and Aging" (p. 44), 1980.
"Kipling, Auden & Co: Essays and Reviews 1935-1964". Book by Randall Jarrell, "A Note on Poetry" (p. 50), 1980.
"Mid-Century American Poets". Book by John Ciardi, "Answers to Questions" (p. 171), 1950.
"Recent Poetry," The Yale Review (p. 237), 1955.