Updike worked this way, and I just kinda borrowed it from him. So the memoir will be relief from novel writing for a moment.
In general, each form is a relief from the other forms. I can't write a novel after a novel. I just use up all the material each time, and I need to rest.
I do think that just about whenever I am writing, or more accurately, whenever I have written, I feel better and more at peace as a human being. That doesn't mean, unfortunately, that the literary product is any good.
I always wanted to write something illustrated, and the Details strip finally gave me the opportunity.
The idea to make hotel reviews the form of the novel came first. So I just started writing hotel reviews and tried to come up with a consistent voice.
I have admired Melissa Pritchard's writing for several years now for its wisdom, its humble elegance, and its earthy comedy.