I share five scriptural insights that lead me to the conclusion that those who are incapable of trusting in Christ on their own are still welcomed into heaven the same way you and I are welcomed into heaven: by the grace of God.
I think God gives medication that heals some illnesses. But I think when you deny the reality of evil, you want to use medicine to solve every problem, and it doesn't solve every problem.
I think that's why Donald Trump continues to enjoy evangelical support. They're not endorsing necessarily his lifestyle. What they're saying is this is a binary choice between one candidate, Donald Trump - who is pro-life, pro-religious liberty, pro-conservative justices of the Supreme Court - and another candidate, Hillary Clinton, who has an opposite view on all of those issues.
God's love means that our Creator desires to have a relationship with us. God's holiness prevents him from having fellowship with us and, instead, demands the outpouring of his anger against us.
Nobody will be sent to hell for rejecting a gospel they've never heard.
Christians lost the battle in the public square over gay marriage because, frankly, we were outthought, outfought, and outmarketed on the issue.
One of the consistent themes you'll find throughout the Bible is that God will always provide the necessary information about Jesus Christ to someone who sincerely desires to receive that revelation.
There needs to be unity, especially in the body of Christ.
Do you really want to put a woman into the White House who supports the greatest assault on women of all? And that is murdering them in the womb before they have a chance to be born.
I'll certainly be praying for Hillary Clinton, too.
If it's true that Christ was correct in saying that faith in himself is the only way to heaven, then sharing that truth is a demonstration of love, not hatred, toward unbelievers.
A recent Pew Study revealed that 70% of Americans with a religious affiliation say that many religions lead to eternal life. Some people might think that "surely the statistics among evangelical Christians is different." Not by much.
I believe in such a thing called mental illness that leads to some evil.
The cross of Jesus Christ represents the intersection of God's love and God's holiness.
"The way of Cain" refers to any individual who attempts to approach God on his or her own terms rather than on God's terms.
The idea that there is only one way to be reconciled with God has its origins in the Old Testament.
Donald Trump redeemed himself politically.
If trusting in Christ is the only way to be saved one has to wonder about infants, small children, and those who are child-like who are incapable of exercising faith in Christ.
Various religions offer a variety of theories about life, death, and eternity. And yet, as different as all religions are, they share one common characteristic: they teach that the way to be reconciled to God is through works and rituals.
Those of us who are Christians believe Jesus Christ is the only one who can redeem us.
It is true Christians have done terrible things throughout history. But they've always been acting in opposition to their Christian faith. There are no New Testament verses that say, Kill unbelievers.