I was asked three times directly in the hearing before the board of the judiciary whether or not I would continue to acknowledge God if I were to resume my position as chief justice. And I said I would.
All the Ten Commandments and prayer is an acknowledgement of the Almighty God. We will not back down from that.
If they want to get [my statue of] the Commandments, they're going to have to get me first.
It can have a secular purpose and have a relationship to God because God was presumed to be both over the state and the church, and separation of church and state was never meant to separate God from government.
The time has come to recover the valiant courage of our forefathers, who understood that faith and freedom are inseparable, and that they are worth fighting for.
Acknowledgment of God is not now, or ever has been, a violation of the US constitution.
Power's not what the Constitution was about.
But I have made no plans to run for any office right now.
America promotes a lot of bad things, you know. Same-sex marriage, for example.
But in the long term, I think it is improper to limit your future.
They might object to some of my opinions, but they don't object to my behavior as a judge.
If you're here tonight to support me, you shouldn't be here. This is not about me. This is about something far more important. It transcends race, it transcends politics, it transcends gender. This is about the laws of God.
That's not the federal law. What you're confusing is law with the opinion of a justice, what one lone federal judge says is not law.