Fear is a state of nervousness only fit for children
Aiyyo, camoflouge chameleon, ninjas scalin' your building, No time to grab the gun, I already got your wife and children
It is sad that the world has gotten more of my time than my children, but my children benefit from it through their financial and economical freedom that I didn't have.
I invested in the album. Look, if I never did anything again in music, it wouldn’t affect my life materially. I live a very satisfying life. Not because I’ve made a few dollars, but because I have a wife who loves me and children who wait for me to come home. And that is beautiful. I think that’s the American dream: to be at peace at home.
I'd hate to compare art to life but I think a movie is an entity of its own, and when it's done, you want everybody to like it like you want everybody to like your children.
My time is being shared with my fans and the people of the world, while I have got children growing with a lot of days of not seeing their father.