You need conviction in your own beliefs, and the willingness to ignore others naysaying.
Every thing at a startup gets modeled after the founders. Whatever the founders do becomes the culture.
The best founders work on things that seem small but they move really quickly. They get things done really quickly.
I think the best thing you can do is be aware that as a first time founder you are likely to be a very bad manager.
Firing people is one of the worst parts of running a company. Actually in my own experience, I think it is the worst.
If someone is getting every decision wrong, that's when you need to act, and at that point it'll be painfully aware to everyone.
In the early stage of a startup, hiring senior people is usually a mistake. You just want people that get stuff done.
People that are really smart and that can learn new things can almost always find a role in the company as time goes on.
So you should always stay on top of people's vesting schedules.
You don't get to make their decisions but you do get to choose the decision makers.