No one knows whom the shoe pinches - no one.
A bachelor is a man who comes to work each morning from a different direction.
To make people laugh was almost a sickness with me.
A kind word is no substitute for a piece of herring or a bag of oats.
Here lies a plain and simple Jew who wrote in plain and simple prose.
Ah, how many luxuries has the good God prepared for his Jewish children.
When have you ever heard of a cantor or any artist turning anyone down when he is strongly urged to perform?
Each Jew must either give or take tzedakah [charity] for Passover.
Remember, you must not sleep at the Seder. If you do, Elijah the Prophet will come with a bag on his shoulders. On the two first nights of Passover, Elijah the Prophet goes about looking for those who have fallen asleep at the Seder, and takes them away in his bag.