
Stanisław I Leszczyński Quotes about Religion

Religion has nothing more to fear than not being sufficiently understood.

Religion has nothing more to fear than not being sufficiently understood.

François duc de La Rochefoucauld, Stanisław I Leszczyński (King of Poland) (1851). “Moral Reflections, Sentences and Maxims of Francis, Duc de la Rochefoucauld”, p.158

Nothing but religion is capable of changing pains into pleasures.

François duc de La Rochefoucauld, Stanisław I Leszczyński (King of Poland) (1851). “Moral Reflections, Sentences and Maxims of Francis, Duc de la Rochefoucauld”, p.153

The Word of God proves the truth of religion; the corruption of man, its necessity; government, its advantages.

François duc de La Rochefoucauld, Stanisław I Leszczyński (King of Poland) (1851). “Moral Reflections, Sentences and Maxims of Francis, Duc de la Rochefoucauld”, p.153