If I start thinking, 'Is this movie going to open? Is this movie going to do well?' I'm not focusing on the job. The job is to make a good movie.
I am so crazy with my music taste and I'm so .... I mean, I'll listen to a song. I'll become obsessed with it and then I'm on to the next one. It's just very inconsistent.
I was exercising so hard that I began to lose weight.
Honestly, I try and stay away from what's been written about me, because if you let that stuff get to you and it's not true it can drive you crazy. One thing that I have heard recently which is not true, I didn't say it, is that I believe I was quote saying 'I will never take my shirt off for a movie again.' I didn't say that.
A dream acting role would be Matt Damon in the Bourne series. I would love to do something like that!
Filming 'Eclipse' - Eclipse was my favorite book so I was really excited to start filming the movie. I just love that it's the height of the love triangle. 'Twilight' develops Edward and Bella's relationship, 'New Moon' develops Jacob and Bella's and in 'Eclipse,' the three of them are physically together.
The actual getting into the gym and working out process was easier, but the eating was harder. I had to eat every two hours. At one point, my trainer said, 'Put anything in your mouth. Go to McDonald's, get the biggest shake possible. I just need to get calories in you.' Because my body fat at the time was only, like, seven and a half percent.