
Theodore Roosevelt Quotes about Wealth

Of all forms of tyranny the least attractive and the most vulgar is the tyranny of mere wealth.

Of all forms of tyranny the least attractive and the most vulgar is the tyranny of mere wealth.

Theodore Roosevelt, Paul H. Jeffers (1998). “The Bully Pulpit: A Teddy Roosevelt Book of Quotations”, p.130, Taylor Trade Publications

No ability, no strength and force, no power of intellect or power of wealth, shall avail us, if we have not the root of right living in us.

Theodore Roosevelt (2012). “The Strenuous Life: Essays and Addresses”, p.110, Courier Corporation

We draw the line against misconduct, not against wealth.

Theodore Roosevelt (1908). “The Roosevelt Policy: Speeches, Letters and State Papers, Relating to Corporate Wealth and Closely Allied Topics, of Theodore Roosevelt, President of the United States”

I am simply unable to understand the value placed by so many people upon great wealth.

Theodore Roosevelt (1952). “Letters of Theodore Roosevelt: The big stick, 1905-1909”