Thomas Aquinas Quotes - Page 12

St Thomas Aquinas (2013). “Summa Theologica, Volume 4 (Part III, First Section)”, p.1940, Cosimo, Inc.
God should not be called an individual substance, since the principle of individuation is matter.
"St. Thomas Aquinas: Philosophical Texts".
Saint Thomas (Aquinas), Peter Kreeft (1990). “A Summa of the Summa: The Essential Philosophical Passages of St. Thomas Aquinas' Summa Theologica”, p.41, Ignatius Press
Joseph Bobik, Saint Thomas (Aquinas) (1998). “Aquinas on matter and form and the elements: a translation and interpretation of the De principiis naturae and the De mixtione elementorum of St. Thomas Aquinas”, Univ of Notre Dame Pr
Not everyone who is enlightened by an angel knows that he is enlightened by him.
St Thomas Aquinas (2013). “Summa Theologica, Volume 1”, p.544, Cosimo, Inc.
For although the will cannot be inwardly moved by any creature, yet it can be moved inwardly by God.
Saint Thomas Aquinas, Catholic Way Publishing (2014). “The Summa Theologica: Complete Edition”, p.8957, Catholic Way Publishing
To disparage the dictate of reason is equivalent to contemning the command of God.
Saint Thomas Aquinas (1951). “Philosophical Texts”, London : Oxford University Press
Saint Thomas (Aquinas) (1957). “On the Truth of the Catholic Faith. Summa Contra Gentiles”
It would seem that zeal is not an effect of love. For zeal is a beginning of contention.
Thomas Aquinas (2015). “Summa Theologica”, p.288, Xist Publishing
The custom of the Church has very great authority and ought to be jealously observed in all things.
Saint Thomas Aquinas, Catholic Way Publishing (2014). “The Summa Theologica: Complete Edition”, p.5138, Catholic Way Publishing
"Summa Theologica". Book by Thomas Aquinas, II - II, q. 25, art. 5, 1265 - 1274.