Thomas Merton Quotes about Prayer
Thomas Merton, (2013). “Thomas Merton - Spiritual Direction and Meditation”, p.51, Read Books Ltd
Thomas Merton (2011). “Thoughts In Solitude”, p.61, Macmillan
"New Seeds of Contemplation".
Thomas Merton (2011). “Thoughts In Solitude”, p.106, Macmillan
"Contemplative Prayer".
"The seven storey mountain".
Thomas Merton (2011). “Thoughts In Solitude”, p.39, Macmillan
Thomas Merton, Victor A. Kramer (1996). “Turning toward the world: the pivotal years”, Harper San Francisco
Thomas Merton (2005). “No Man is an Island”, p.42, Shambhala Publications
Thomas Merton (2009). “A Search for Solitude: Pursuing the Monk's True Life, The Journals of Thomas Merton, Volume 3: 1952-1960”, p.47, Harper Collins
Thomas Merton (2007). “New Seeds of Contemplation”, New Directions Publishing
Thomas Merton (2002). “The Ascent to Truth”, p.209, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt