You have to know human behaviour … And the quality of your writing is absolutely capped at your understanding of human behaviour. You’ll never write above what you know about people.
No one can help you write. No one can teach you how to write.
The writing is really hard. You're alone. It really pulls it out of you. You pull it out of your head. But when you're a director, you're shopping - you're picking this actor, you're picking this scene. It's like the most intense kinetic high-speed shopping of all time. You sit in a chair and it will all come rushing at you like a wind tunnel.
I spend a lot of time in a sort of free state when I'm writing in the beginning and sketching.
I think what I've recognized over the years is that I'm very, very bingey, extremely bingey when it comes to writing.
I prefer writing originals.
I don't remember writing anything until I wrote my college application.