The rights of children as individuals begin while yet they remain the foetus...Whoever has read the 'Weekly' knows I hold abortion (except to save the life of the mother) to be just as much murder as the killing of a person after birth is murder.
A new educational system in which all children born shall have the same advantage of physical, industrial, mental and moral culture, and thus be equally prepared at maturity to enter upon active, responsible and useful lives. . . . In so doing, it strikes a fatal blow at . . . the most demoralizing of all monopolies. . . educational superiority.
Every woman knows that if she were free, she would never bear an unwished-for child nor think of murdering one before its birth.
Hundreds, thousands, aye, millions of human beings, men, women and children, wander the streets of our cities and the highways of our country, hungry, ragged and cold, vainly seeking in this land of plenty, where physical want should be unknown.
When I found I had given birth to a human wreckage, to a child that was an imbecile, my heart was broken.
I went with my husband and an innocent child to California. I went to a theatrical manager and asked him to allow me to earn money enough on the stage to buy our tickets home. He did.
The rights of children as individuals begin while yet they remain the foetus.