We should focus on the things that are bad that we can immediately control, because people are always going to be people.
Hip-hop culture is deeply rooted in the wrong things. Hip-hop is about drugs right now. It's more so about drugs - about selling drugs, about using drugs - it's bad for kids.
I think the opinion is worth less now than it ever has been.
I saw The Revenant, and they were calling Native Americans "tree niggers," and that is not cool.
It's human nature, we take a mile when we're given an inch. We're crazy. You see what we did to the animals! They don't even exist anymore!
It really hurts my feelings when people are mean to old people, or when people yell at their little kids. Just ask them what's wrong, bro. I think we all just need to be nicer.
Hopefully New Zealand let me stay, and they don't kick me out and ban me. And I hope I don't get killed by a kangaroo, 'cuz I heard that happens out there.
We live in an age where everyone is so opinionated about everything in general in life, especially their expertise or their personal knowledge of anything that they're commenting on.
I wouldn't say I fear the future.
I think I'm pretty regular. I try to keep it pretty regular; I go to sleep early. I don't know what distances me from other rap artists - I haven't met a lot of 'em.
I say what I have to say at the moment and when I don't want to say it anymore, then I won't.
Sprite really does taste different everywhere! That's like a fact. Because of certain regulations, you can only put so many sugars.
So many things come from people's parents lying to them about the truth about things. I feel like, once those ideas die with people, we'll be good in a couple of generations.
We give people way too much credit. People just get crazy.
I remember, once, my sister used to tell me that they found me in the trash-can when I was younger, so one time I pushed my sister into a trash-can - I put it over her head and pushed her down the street. And then after that, we been close ever since.
When people ask me my influences and I'm like, "nobody" they're like, "there has to be somebody." People seem to think you have to have an influence.
If you don't put out a shirt for eight months, that doesn't mean it took you eight months to make the shirt.
Every song with lyrics is lyrical.
I hate when I lose my voice and then people try and talk to me and I seem like I'm being rude and then I hurt their feelings. That sucks.
All my friends and family are either in prison or don't make enough money. I don't know what the president really does. I haven't been able to experience that kind of shift yet.
Whenever you have people in power, they try to control people. It's not necessarily a bad thing to control people - you can control people for good, you can control people for bad, but you're gonna try and control people.
People just tell me I'm supposed to be sensitive, and I'm not. But I think I'm very emotional. I'm very caring.
Things don't really go that well when people get back together.
I don't think you should criticize people's music because maybe it just isn't for you.
I think there's too much of the wrong type of influences that stem from hip-hop.