
Vincent de Paul Quotes - Page 7

...Omit nothing which can advance his work, and not blame others for the delay.

...Omit nothing which can advance his work, and not blame others for the delay.

Saint Vincent de Paul, Pierre Coste (1985). “Correspondence, Conferences, Documents”

In this way, through experience they will be formed adequately, will be encouraged, and will be capable of rendering service to God.

Saint Vincent de Paul, Pierre Coste (1985). “Correspondence, Conferences, Documents: Apr. 1650-July 1653”

When in Rome, you must do as the Romans do and accept the local customs, if they are not immoral.

Saint Vincent de Paul (1985). “Correspondence, Conferences, Documents: I. Correspondence. v. 1. 1607-1639”, BNA Books (Bureau of National Affairs)

Nevertheless, when one is ill, one should be submissive to the doctor and obey him.

Saint Vincent de Paul, Pierre Coste (1985). “Correspondence, Conferences, Documents: Apr. 1650-July 1653”

I have never made any distinction between those who have taken vows and those who have not; some should not be overburdened in order to spare others.

Saint Vincent de Paul, Pierre Coste (1985). “Correspondence, Conferences, Documents: Apr. 1650-July 1653”

[I]f the gentleness of your spirit needs a dash of vinegar, borrow a little from Our Lord's spirit. O Mademoiselle, how well He knew how to find a bittersweet remark when it is needed!

Saint Vincent de Paul, Saint Louise de Marillac, Frances Ryan, John E. Rybolt (1995). “Vincent de Paul and Louise de Marillac: Rules, Conferences, and Writings”, p.157, Paulist Press

If you think something should be done, take the trouble to write to me about it, and together we will decide the time and manner of doing it.

Saint Vincent de Paul, Pierre Coste (1985). “Correspondence, Conferences, Documents: Apr. 1650-July 1653”

Without [firmness] I see the majority of Communities that are lax reach that state because of the excessive leniency of Superiors. So, be firm, Monsieur.

Saint Vincent de Paul, Pierre Coste (1990). “Correspondence, Conferences, Documents: Correspondence; January 1640-July 1646)”