Both sides were supposed to release all their prisoners, those were unconditional. There was some prisoner release that took place but it's not been satisfactory.
I think there is a good deal of promise in those discussions as well. I think there is a range of matters that might be discussed between NATO and Russia that can provide a mechanism for talking through these issues, a way to give reassurance on these issues.
We've had it very clear to the Bosnians that our obligation to equip and train their forces is completely conditional on the foreign forces being gone.
The Palestinian election is something that was really a turning point. It's a mandate for peace.
The United States has done more for the war crimes tribunal than any other country in the world. We're turning over all the information we have, including intelligence information.
The NATO forces will, to the extent that they have capacity, assist the war crimes tribunal.
I ask the Philippines Government to put an end to journalists' killings by giving journalists' safety the priority it deserves.