Woodrow Wilson Quotes - Page 5
War isn’t declared in the name of God; it is a human affair entirely.
Woodrow Wilson, Arthur Stanley Link (1980). “The Papers of Woodrow Wilson”
"A Day of Dedication".
Character, my friends, is a byproduct. It is produced in the great manufacture of daily duty.
"Wit and Wisdom of Woodrow Wilson".
Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together.
Woodrow Wilson, Albert Bushnell Hart (2002). “Selected Addresses and Public Papers of Woodrow Wilson”, p.258, The Minerva Group, Inc.
The roll of honor consists of the names of meant who have squared their conduct by ideals of duty.
Woodrow Wilson (1916). “Wit and Wisdom of Woodrow Wilson: Extracts from the Public Speeches of the Leader and Interpreter of American Democracy, with Masterpieces of Eloquence”, Best Books
To do things today exactly the way you did them yesterday saves thinking.
Woodrow Wilson, Albert Bushnell Hart (2002). “Selected Addresses and Public Papers of Woodrow Wilson”, p.136, The Minerva Group, Inc.
Woodrow Wilson, Albert Bushnell Hart (2002). “Selected Addresses and Public Papers of Woodrow Wilson”, p.91, The Minerva Group, Inc.
Woodrow Wilson (1898). “The State: Elements of Historical and Practical Politics”
"Selected Addresses and Public Papers of Woodrow Wilson".
Woodrow Wilson (1956). “A crossroads of freedom, the 1912 campaign speeches”
As a matter of fact and experience, the more power is divided the more irresponsible it becomes.
Woodrow Wilson (2012). “Congressional Government: A Study in American Politics”, p.77, Courier Corporation
Excesses accomplish nothing. Disorder immediately defeats itself.
Woodrow Wilson, Albert Fried (1965). “A Day of Dedication”, New York : Macmillan [1965]
Absolute identity with one's cause is the first and great condition of successful leadership.
Woodrow Wilson, Mario R. DiNunzio (2006). “Woodrow Wilson: Essential Writings and Speeches of the Scholar-president”, p.72, NYU Press
Woodrow Wilson (2016). “The New Freedom: [Illustrated & Biography Added]”, p.66, eKitap Projesi
Woodrow Wilson (1974). “The Papers of Woodrow Wilson”
Loyalty means nothing unless it has at its heart the absolute principle of self-sacrifice.
Woodrow Wilson, Albert Bushnell Hart (2002). “Selected Addresses and Public Papers of Woodrow Wilson”, p.142, The Minerva Group, Inc.
Woodrow Wilson, Arthur Stanley Link, Woodrow Wilson Foundation, Princeton University (1978). “The papers of Woodrow Wilson”
Woodrow Wilson, Arthur Stanley Link, Woodrow Wilson Foundation, Princeton University (1974). “The papers of Woodrow Wilson”
"A Day of Dedication".
Woodrow Wilson, Ray Stannard Baker, Howard Seavoy Leach (1925). “The Public Papers of Woodrow Wilson: College and state; educational literary and political papers (1875-1913)”
Woodrow Wilson (1956). “A crossroads of freedom, the 1912 campaign speeches”
Address to Joint Session of Congress asking for declaration of war, 2 Apr. 1917