If a man, cautious, hides his limp, Somebody has to limp it! Things do it; the surroundings limp. House walls get scars, the car breaks down; matter, in drudgery, takes it up.
Robert Bly (1981). “The man in the black coat turns: poems”
![If a man, cautious, hides his limp, Somebody has to limp it! Things do it; the surroundings limp. House walls get scars, the car breaks down; matter, in drudgery, takes it up.](http://cdn.quoteddaily.com/images/robert-bly/if-a-man-cautioushides-his-limpsomebody-has-to-limp-it-thingsdo-it-the-surroundings-limphouse-walls-get-scarsthe-car-breaks.jpg)